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Network Schemes

All-In-One Appliance

All-In-One Appliance

The WifiGem All-In-One appliance is located at your premises, directly connected to the DSL modem/router. The captive portal service is provided through the WiFi of the WifiGem appliance, so you can turn off the WiFi of your modem/router, if any. All guest devices that connect to WifiGem are subject to captive portal authentication and redirected to the login page. Social Media Login allows you to avoid creating guest accounts in advance. The Web Filter ensures that your customers do not visit inappropriate websites, nor your competitors' websites...

  • The server is on-premises
  • WiFi Access Point is built in
  • Immediate installation
  • Social Media Login and Web Filter available
Bridge Mode

Bridge Mode

The WifiGem server is located at the end-user premises, on the network path between the guest devices and the Internet. All traffic subject to captive portal authentication passes through the WifiGem server. The WifiGem server provides captive portal service, AAA (authentication, authorization, accounting), guest login page, user management, Web Filter, Traffic Shaping etc. Access points are standard market products, therefore, to set up a Bridge network scheme, it's not required to replace existing access points with new ones. thanks to this scheme, the captive portal service can also be provided to computers or other devices connected via Ethernet cable.

  • The server is on-premises
  • All network traffic crossing the WifiGem server is subject to captive portal authentication
  • Access Points are standard market products
  • Accepts connection from wireless and wired devices
  • Compatible with the Cloud Mode
Cloud Mode

Cloud Mode

The WifiGem server can be located at the end-user premises, in a Service Provider's data center, or anywhere else in the world. It receives authentication requests from access points located on the same LAN or on the Internet. Access points must have a built-in 'hotspot' function. Access points can be wired or connected to the 4G/5G mobile phone network. This architecture can be used when you want to create your Cloud and provide captive portal service to your customers over the Internet. In this case you only need to install and configure a new access point at the customer's premises.

  • The server is on-premises
  • Supports unlimited access points over LAN or WAN
  • Access points must have a built-in hotspot function
  • Compatible with the Bridge Mode